We’re exhibiting at NYSCC: Booth #661!

At NYSCC, our team will be featuring our Natralipid® specialty oils - 100% plant-based, expeller-pressed oils with superior functionality and purity in cosmetics and personal care formulations, from fully traceable and regeneratively grown sources. Never solvent extracted & always physically refined from oilseeds grown exclusively on contract with Natures Crops International, we manage the Natralipid® platform completely — from ‘soil to oil’ naturally. Our fully de-risked and strategically managed supply chain means you will never run out!

We would love the opportunity to meet up with your team to discuss how our Natralipid® ingredients can elevate your brand.

Fill out our form below and we’ll reach out to schedule a time to meet. Until then, be sure to check out our Personal Care page.

We look forward to seeing you in New York City on May 1 & 2!

Let’s Meet: